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Being a sister of Gamma Phi Omega is an enriching lifetime commitment. We create an all-inclusive environment through the loving spirit of friendship with a shared respect and support system.


Sister Quotes About Gamma Phi Omega:

"The idea of having a home away from home is not even a tad bit close in describing what this truly is - it’s more like fate in a way."

"These women have truly shown me the definition of a sister and what it means to be a part of a community of empowering women."

"One of the fondest memories I have was when I was on FaceTime with my line sisters and we were talking about something random, and I realized how grateful I was to have them in my life. In that simple moment, I was reminded how blessed I was to have all of my sisters."

"I remember sitting down surrounded by the ladies of Gamma Phi Omega at one of my first events and feeling like I belonged."

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